Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de lick

to licklamer

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I lickyo lamo
you licktú lames
he licksél lame
she licksella lame
we licknosotros lamemos
you lickvosotros laméis
they lickellos lamen
they lickellas lamen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I lickedyo lamí
you lickedtú lamiste
he lickedél lamió
she lickedella lamió
we lickednosotros lamimos
you lickedvosotros lamisteis
they lickedellos lamieron
they lickedellas lamieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have lickedyo he lamido
you have lickedtú has lamido
he has lickedél ha lamido
she has lickedella ha lamido
we have lickednosotros hemos lamido
you have lickedvosotros habéis lamido
they have lickedellos han lamido
they have lickedellas han lamido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had lickedyo había lamido
you had lickedtú habías lamido
he had lickedél había lamido
she had lickedella había lamido
we had lickednosotros habíamos lamido
you had lickedvosotros habíais lamido
they had lickedellos habían lamido
they had lickedellas habían lamido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will lickyo lameré
you will licktú lamerás
he will lickél lamerá
she will lickella lamerá
we will licknosotros lameremos
you will lickvosotros lameréis
they will lickellos lamerán
they will lickellas lamerán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have lickedyo habré lamido
you will have lickedtú habrás lamido
he will have lickedél habrá lamido
she will have lickedella habrá lamido
we will have lickednosotros habremos lamido
you will have lickedvosotros habréis lamido
they will have lickedellos habrán lamido
they will have lickedellas habrán lamido

I would lickyo lamería
you would licktú lamerías
he would lickél lamería
she would lickella lamería
we would licknosotros lameríamos
you would lickvosotros lameríais
they would lickellos lamerían
they would lickellas lamerían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have lickedyo habría lamido
you would have lickedtú habrías lamido
he would have lickedél habría lamido
she would have lickedella habría lamido
we would have lickednosotros habríamos lamido
you would have lickedvosotros habríais lamido
they would have lickedellos habrían lamido
they would have lickedellas habrían lamido

Participio presenteAnotado
licking lamiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
licked lamido

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